Regin is a global supplier of hardware and SCADA system for indoor climate control and building automation. Glaze was asked to support Regin in understanding the challenges and opportunities in migrating their SCADA solution to the cloud. This included investigating both the generic risks and possibilities with using cloud services and Regin’s specific challenges in relation to their existing software, hardware, company strategy and customer requirements.


The rapid evolving Smart Building market will create new requirements for Regin in order to be able to integrate with other platforms to not risk being surpassed by larger competitors with more advanced platforms. An IoT Cloud and Edge solution will make it significantly easier to keep up with these requirements and at the same time reduce their general development cost when doing for example hardware changes or adapting to different building automation protocols, e.g. BACnet, Modbus etc. Regin have a large amount of different solutions and customer requirements that need to be considered when evaluating a migration to the cloud.
The challenge that Glaze supported was to set an overall architecture that will reduce Regin’s general development cost using standardized IoT cloud components and utilize the benefits of the cloud such as reduced infrastructure startup and scaling cost while at the same time taking into account the different customer requirements such as on-premise solutions.